Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hi There!!

Sorry, for not posting for so long. I have been very busy lately. I will soon be able to post more tutorials for those GS fans out there. Thanks for your patience.

CS Genius

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Double/Triple... Jumping Platformer Tutorial

First, download the platformer game from the previous tutorial or Download Here.

Note: If you want your actor to jump as many times as you want you want in mid-air you do not need any self attributes. Just create a rule and say when key up is down, change attribute self.motion.linearvelocityY to 500. The steps below are for people who want their actor on the screen to jump once, land back down on the ground, then be able to jump again.

First, go into the player and create a new self integer attribute (name it jump). Keep the attribute number to 0.

Create a rule, and we say when key up is down and self.jump is greater than 0, change attribute self.motion.linearvelocityY to 500. Add another change attribute behavior and change self.jump to (self.jump -1).

Create another rule, and we say when actor overlaps or collides with the ground, change attribute self.jump to 1.
You can change this to 2 or 3 or 4..... to make multiple jumps

Sorry no download this time.

Hope you learned from this!

CS Genius :)